Tensioners for the tufting creel

For some applications you need some tension on the yarn from the creel or you want to equalise the tension on the yarn over the width of the tufting machine.

Below you find our range of tensioners we find fit to add to your creel.

Friction tensioner

Our most competitive and effective tensioner.


You can set each level of your creel or vary the given tension from back to front of your creel to get a more equal tension pattern over the width of your tufting machine.


By turning the disc, the yarn is
wrapped around the base, adjusting
the tension.


For some patterning processes, you need to give tension to the yarn to have exact control over the smaller yarn feed rollers.

This simple system will give you the flexability to do exact this when running specific yarn qualities.

Ball tensioner

When processing nervous yarns with a lot of twist in tufting, friction tensioners are not the ideal solution.

You can have some twist build-up just before the first contact piont with the friction tensioner.

This can cause the yarn to "jump".


With the ball tensioner, the metal ball rotates with the yarn and avoids any build-up of twist.


Tension adjustable by adding or
removing metal balls to or from the


Variations on this type of tensioner on request.

Smart tensioner

The smart tensioner is the most flexible one in our range.


The tension is adjustable by turning the wheel from 1 to 8.


The yarn is only in contact with ceramics for longer life time and avaiding coruptions on the yarn.